• Member Since 24th Aug, 2013


I love MLP, Pandas, Kpop, Christmas, Winter, Mai Family and Friends and Manga/Anime.

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No marriage is without its challenges, especially not that of Spike and Rarity. Despite the fairy tale-like circumstances surrounding their courtship (Beauty and the Beast is a popular reference made at dinner parties), their relationship is far from perfect: indeed, the combination of her overwhelmingly large dress orders and his frequent extended trips across Equestria as Celestia's personal envoy makes it seem as though neither one of them has any time for their significant other. Yet there is one key factor, one constant variable in their lives that will always be there to remind them of how much they love and care for one another, no matter what issues they face.

Thank Celestia they have Claire.

Featured 3-27-14!
My third foray into the Kilalaverse. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to find out!
Pre-read by the Lady herself, Ms. Kilala.
Spike, Rarity, and MLP: FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Crystal Clarity © kilala97 of DA

Chapters (1)

The mane 5 have all become princesses, therefore they are still connected to the elements. However there is somepony missing from that. Will that pony realise what they need to do before their time?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wingover

When the biannual Wonderbolt Exhibition in Manehattan turns into a disaster zone, even the most skilled of pegasi will find themselves tested.

Prism Bolt has been coasting through life since his brief moment in the sun during Tornado Duty. His brother, Icy Storm, has set his sights on being a flier greater than even their mother, to the exclusion of all else. Will the turbulence from this event give their lives new direction, or will it send them spiraling into disaster? The time has come for the children of Rainbow Dash to choose their own paths in life. These two brothers, different as night and day, will find that perhaps they have more to learn from each other than they realized.

AN: This is the fourth and final part to a series that began with the story 'A Little Push.' I highly recommend reading the other three stories for maximum enjoyment.

The characters, art and pretty much everything except the story concept belong to Kilala97. She's awesome and you should check her stuff out.

Proofreading done by the grammatical force of nature, Prak. This is another guy you should check out, cause man can he write humor.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Little Push

Everypony must be so jealous of him. His parents are both retired members of the illustrious Wonderbolts. His mother was the last bearer of the Element of Loyalty, the only pony in hundreds of years to perform a Sonic Rainboom, and a key party in saving Equestria at least a dozen times.

But there are two sides to fame. As Prism Bolt strives to become his own pony, he'll find that stepping out from the shadow of his mother is easier said than done.

Once again, all credit for OCs goes to the supremely talented Kilala97

Proofreading done by the one and only, Prak. An author who deserves much more recognition than he gets.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Head in the Clouds

Written for a small group contest. (Placed 1st! Thank you all for the support!)

Rainbow Dash and Soarin are extremely unsatisfied with how they left their relationship upon parting ways. Friends with benefits sounds nice, but once apart they both realize just how much the other means to them. Unfortunately now neither are in a position to confront the other and reveal what pulls at both their hearts: Love.

Soarin may be duty bound and unable to act, but Dash jumps at an opportunity that could turn their relationship into the direction they both truly want. A story of not accepting barriers. True love exists on all levels and distances.

(Note: this story was admittedly rushed for a contest. Looking back on it now, there are some inconsistencies, such as some of Dash's abilities. The end may seem a bit squished as well. I apologize in advance)

Edited by: Kestrel He did an awesome job :) featuring in chapter art by foxenawolf, eveyannie, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: bonnama, and SpicedDemon (Commisioned for me by PlayBitz)

Chapter 11 animation done by: HarlenBooks, Equestrian Airship Productions

Chapters (18)




Those are few of the many words that describe the new Empress. Queen Chrysalis. Turns out that 'Princess Cadence' was disguised as the Changeling Queen. Twilight's gone missing, the Elements have been separated, and Celestia has been captured. Equestria has fallen into darkness and Princess Luna is nowhere to be found. Along the way, another of the Elements is lost.

Rainbow Dash.

But stranded on a small island, Dash finds a mysterious temple that might hold the key to Equestria. But in order to do that, she must do things she never thought she'd do.

Chapters (2)

Soarin finally realizes his feelings for a certain pegasus.

[My first MLP fanfiction and trying to get into the fandom more. Feel free to leave suggestions, comments, or criticism! Thank you all so much.
Marked as incomplete for now because I'm not sure if anyone would want me to continue.]

Chapters (1)

This is a compilation of all the little silly ideas I get that aren't large enough to make a full story, but I still get the urge to write. There'll be a bit of everything here, but never much longer than 1,000 words! They're short Pony Shorts!

Tom x Bloomberg OTP [Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle is emotionally scarred by a surprising subset of romantic literature.

Zen [Slice of Life] - In which Pinkie Pie demonstrates that a garden truly is a reflection of its tender.

A Little Storm of Chaos [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash cooks up a little something for Pinkie Pie.

On Crowd Songs [Slice of Life] - In which Ponyville's premier musician struggles to wrap up winter.

Letters and Late Fees [Comedy] - In which Celestia takes a moment out of her day to visit an old friend.

Morning Routine [Normal] - In which Sepia Tock has bad dreams.

Equestria [Normal][Myth] - In which Equestria is made.

Cold Flight, Warm Hearth [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash delivers her last present of the day to a special friend.

Bucky McGillygutty X Kicks McGee OTP [Random][Comedy] - In which a simple leg finds the simplest and greatest pleasure of all.

Experimental Report: Animus [SCIENCE][Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle performs an experiment.

One-Bit Novels [Adventure][Comedy] - In which Daring Do makes a daring escape.

The Taste of Bitter Almonds [Noir][Comedy] - In which an inspector enters a bar, looking for a drink.

The Mark [Normal][Myth] - In which ponies gain their Cutie Marks.

Derpyganger [Normal] - In which Derpy Hooves relaxes after a long day.

Origami [SCIENCE][Normal][Comedy] - In which the results of Twilight's earlier experiment come back to haunt her.

Stratus [Slice of Life][Comedy] - In which Fluttershy deals with a problem purely for pegasi.

The Sleep of Reason [Normal] - In which two sisters share dreams as the years pass them by.

Black Bun Pie: Cragodile Hunter [Normal][Comedy] - In which Pinkie Pie visits Twilight with a package from her uncle.

Chapters (18)

Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply travel to another type of life.

Golden Delicious is a simple pony. The son of Applejack and Caramel, his destiny in life had already been decided for him: To be an apple farmer just like his mother, just like nearly every other pony in the Apple clan. But he's happy with his life. Life in Ponyville was simple, fun, and happy. So just what happens when two mares from Manehatten who have a different view come to visit?

A story with Kilala97's character's with her permission. Golden Delicious and Red June belong to her.
Inky Melody and Staged Gallery are my ponies.
Read the other stories in Kilala97's AU here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is an extraordinary pony, not only the bearer of the element of loyalty, but she is also the best friends with the newest princess, can do Sonic Rainbooms and a possible future Wonderbolt.
She really is a brave pony, kicking drangons in the face, standing up to Nightmare Moon, Discord, and all the other villains. But there is some things she can't take, when she finds herself developing feelings for a certain Wonderbolt things begins to go down hill. And the feelings isn't so easy to cope with when she now sees the Wonderbolts more and more often.

(I have had this story in my head for some weeks now, so why not write it down? I think this is going to be a long ride guys, in my head the story is really long. Ouch, it is going to take a long time to write it all down. XD Uh, I hope you enjoy it, if you find any mistakes, tell me. I check the text several times when I correct the grammar, but I have a tendency to miss a lot of typos.)

Update: Sorry, but I think I'm going to cancel this story. I simply don't have the time and devotion to finish a story like this. I'm way more focused on my art and writing is just something I do once in a while. I'll maybe write some one-shots in the future, but not long stories like this. I'm no writer and I've never been. Sorry for never updating you guys who have been reading this. I hate doing this as it feels like I'm breaking a promise, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Can't just leave you all waiting for a new chapter that is never going to come. I apologize for not being able to produce said story and giving you guys false expectations. I believed I would be able to write a long story like this, but as seen, that is not the case.
For all of you who followed me for this story, feel free to unfollow. What's the point in following me when the purpose is gone? Heh... Yeah. That is all. Sorry guys. :ajsleepy:

Chapters (3)